A Brief Guide to Cord Cutting

Cutting the cord-- getting rid of cable and replacing it with watching things over the Internet-- has never been more viable. Depending on your situation it may save you money and it certainly gives you more control. This straightforward guide gives you the information you need to get started with the right services and equipment to watch the programs you want, when you want and where you want. The information in this guide applies to US market.

99 Cents on Kindle. 

Citadel 32: A Tale of the Aggregate

In a base on the Moon, a man finds a strange discovery that could lead to reconnection with Earth. But someone wants to stop him from pursuing it. Meanwhile on Earth, a monk of the Citadel discovers a strange ancient artwork. Could it lead to truth of the myth of the Moon Men? Finding out the truth could kill him.

Kindle Edition

Print Edition

Epub Edition

Apple iBook

Barnes & Noble Nook and Print

Free PDF version

The Year in Tech History

All the biggest events in technology history collected in order by the day the occurred. From January 1 to December 31 spanning the Antikythera Mechanism to the iPhone. Walk through the year with Edison, Brattain, Jobs and the amazing devices and technologies that make our world what it is today. Plus enjoy the excellent illustrations of Scott Johnson that brighten the year as you go.

You can find the book available in the following places. If you don't see your favorite, check back. We'll update this post as more outlets become available.

Amazon Kindle eBook

Print book from Lulu.com

ePub from Lulu.com

Events of a Different Nature

A few years ago for NaNoWriMo I decided to try to write a mystery with the main characters based on my dogs. I know. But I promise you it ended up being a lot less cute than it sounds. And I never once acknowledge that any of them are animals. This is not Wind in the Willows. This is Raymond Chandler as told by a dog that believes humans are a perfectly acceptable species if slightly deficient in certain aspects. Here's the description.

"Jango Champelli retired to the suburbs and set up a private investigative agency with her younger partner Sawyer Jarule in order to get away from the hectic life and dangers of the secret Agency she once worked for. But sometimes you can’t get away from your past and Jango and Sawyer’s biggest case runs deeper and more dangerous than either of them could have expected. Join these two investigators as they try to crack the case of the Grey Man and the other creatures of the underworld that surround them."

Print edition ($12.99) 

Kindle ($2.99) 

iBook ($2.99) 

Nook ($2.99) 

PDF (Free) 

EPUB ($2.99) 

Sign up for an email  and I'll let you know when new editions arrive.

Lot Beta


Lot Beta is a book I wrote for National Novel Writing Month in November, 2010. Here's the description:

"The stellar system is run by the Corporation for mining purposes. It was taken over, some say stolen, from the Pioneers. Everyone's an employee and you're born into your pay grade. What happens when a young man is thrust into a position of power by an accident of birth? What secrets are hidden by the Corporation? Can one boy create a new way to live?"

So hey, if that sounds interesting, you can get a copy at one of these links. 

Kindle edition - $5.00

Nook edition - $2.99

Apple iBook - $2.99

Google Play - $5.00

Print edition from Lulu.com - $12.98

Print edition from Amazon.com - $12.98

Epub edition from Lulu.com - $2.99

Free downloads from Archive.org - Free


Sign up for an email  and I'll let you know when new editions arrive.

Check out the book trailer below.